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Tsunami Starhunter



My second entry for the Seventh Sanctum EXTREME Character contest.

Deal is, you hafta use the website's EXTREME Character Name Generator to come up with a badass name, and then use one of their other character generators to get what the dude or chick looks like.

So, here are my results.

Name: Tsunami Starhunter

Description: This guy reminds you of a dangerous but beautiful lionfish. He has large sapphire eyes. His fine, straight, medium-length hair is the color of black coffee, and is worn in an artistic, bizarre style. He is tall and has a graceful build. His skin is black. He has a domed forehead. His wardrobe is sexy.

Unlike last time where I just used the first name and description the generator threw my way, this time I clicked around a little until I got something that I thought was interesting.

The lionfish thing in the description was actually what really got my creative juices flowing, and so I went after that with a vengeance.

Also, I had fun doing the background. I thought it turned out kinda neat. :)
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900x888px 411.5 KB
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